Friday, September 9, 2011

stickin your neck out

my story takes place just a few days ago Saturday to be exact. it was late opening day of archery and i had been waiting for around a half hour, it was about six now and i new in the back of my head that the buck I've been watching for a month was likely to be out in any minute. now at this exact moment i new i shouldn't move but i couldn't find a place to sit that i liked. so after another ten minutes i had finally found a spot by a tree about twenty yards in from the fence, but not 5 minutes after sitting down this buck came leaping over the fence it was him. i waited for what seemed like forever but just as he went down to take a bite of grass i released my arrow my first shot hit him in the leg then he walked back another ten yards he was now about thirty to forty yards from my hunting spot i released another arrow and hit just behind the this shot was probably the longest shot I've taken yet i hit almost perfect. as i waited for it to die i sat questioning my shot but as i walked up to find the blood trail i saw a good sign i followed the blood for a half hour where i found my buck laying in the grass.

1 comment:

  1. Alex I really like reading your stories but sometimes they are really long-winded and you don't use correct grammar or capitalize anything and when I read it's almost like I can't breathe because there is never any punctuation and I really want to give you an A because the content is good but the delivery is not so good - whew.

    Understand? Let's work on this little problem, shall we?
