Thursday, September 22, 2011

Have you ever seen the beautiful art known as fly fishing, well i have. in the movie A River Runs Through It there are many scenes that depict the wonderful art. A River Runs Through It was an absolutely amazing movie i don't usually enjoy most movies that don't have a lot of action but this movie was truly invigorating and kept me interested through out the entire movie. Brad Pitt's role in this movie definitely help out the production and livened things up.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pauls therapy from the eyes of his therepist

lets see here Mr. Paul, come in. i have just finished reading your background information, and i understand your still drinking. you really should stop that, also its not  a good idea to be gambling down at low lows your going to get your self into trouble. now whats this about you smashing in a mans face at a bar the other night, i now he made a remark about your girlfriend but its not good to have run ins with the law. i think ill have to prescribe you with some anger management classes. well that's it for today's session ill see you next Thursday.

Friday, September 9, 2011

stickin your neck out

my story takes place just a few days ago Saturday to be exact. it was late opening day of archery and i had been waiting for around a half hour, it was about six now and i new in the back of my head that the buck I've been watching for a month was likely to be out in any minute. now at this exact moment i new i shouldn't move but i couldn't find a place to sit that i liked. so after another ten minutes i had finally found a spot by a tree about twenty yards in from the fence, but not 5 minutes after sitting down this buck came leaping over the fence it was him. i waited for what seemed like forever but just as he went down to take a bite of grass i released my arrow my first shot hit him in the leg then he walked back another ten yards he was now about thirty to forty yards from my hunting spot i released another arrow and hit just behind the this shot was probably the longest shot I've taken yet i hit almost perfect. as i waited for it to die i sat questioning my shot but as i walked up to find the blood trail i saw a good sign i followed the blood for a half hour where i found my buck laying in the grass.

Friday, September 2, 2011

dont judge a book by its movie

Its been a long time since I've seen a movie that's better than the the movie Eragon they totally went an opposite direction and made it almost impossible to follow up with another. cause in the book there is a guy he cant kill yet he ends up killing in the movie. but if you have watched any of the lord of the rings movies you me see that some movies are better than there book counterparts because the movies are less drawn out. the writer in the lord of the rings is really descriptive but its almost like he talks about one subject too long. i believe that it depends completely on the writer and directors way of doing there job.