Monday, December 19, 2011

Water For Elephants

the book Water For Elphants has recently been made in to a motion picture. whie watching this movie i found many things out about the circus, for instance the tricky way of pushing the crowd into the featured events. or wacking young men trying to sneak a peek at the ladys shakin it. thismovie takes a diferent turn after the main event horse dies, but is quickly risolved by the loving elephant Rosie.

Rosie makes for very important character which just so happens to save the day becoming the new main event animal replacing our beloved silver star. but when rosie wont cooperate augsust our angry vilian in the story uses the bull hook way to much. but the our main charcter jacob learns that she knows polish. as jacob falls in love with augusts wife marlena. we see jacob and his friends get red lighted, in which two of whom die so the othersplan a fiendish revenge. while jacob returns in secret to find Marlena he heres yells coming from the animal tent we see jacob come through the tent while the other two survivers are releasing animals. we see jacob then sprinting o save marlena from august when hes stoped by augusts henchmen Blacky when things take a turn for the unexpected as one character gets a almost ravishing revenge.

Friday, December 9, 2011


dear diary, i awoke this morning with a fright considering i couldn't use anything below the hips Jacob told me not to worry about it but quite honestly it scares me to death. i cant stand the thought of being red lighted with no legs that work. i suppose i diserve some of this being an old grump and drunk. he also told me he would get me a doctor but i hope he plans on paying cause i have no money.

Friday, December 2, 2011


I remember as a young child thinking about the circus, i always thought of it as being a fun filled dangerous adventure of giant, high flying and bearded people. the Superbowl for miss fits but after reading the first couple of chapters its a little more ghetto than that. now i realize that most of those people where drunks. and it gets a little more whorish than that to.

Friday, November 18, 2011

anywhere in the world

if i could visit any place in the world i would visit a place called Manchester city. i would visit this place for one main reason, to watch Manchester united play a soccer game. also after the game i would visit the near by pub and have a few with the locals. also i would do some site seeing because i have never been in a place like Manchester united.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Lady who had been living with seven midgets claims she's been raped. on thursday a woman came to the N.Y.P.D. claiming that she was slipped chlorophorm while eating an apple when she was awoken by a strange man kissing her. she said she had no idea who the man was but that she figured he had done more than just kiss her. the lady is trying to accuse the man of attempted rape     Cont. PG 22

Friday, November 4, 2011


I looked up to my cousin Matt my whole life. but at about 5th or 6th grade he graduated and enlisted into the Air Force. he signed for a 6 year period, what he did was work on f-15 electronic components. through out all grade school he was my hero, so to not be able to see him for a long time kinda changed some things. he came back for a year which was pretty fun being able to hang out and talk considering he was in florida and never realy got to talk. now my cousin works for lockheed martin, he calibrates electronic components for submarines.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Have you ever seen the beautiful art known as fly fishing, well i have. in the movie A River Runs Through It there are many scenes that depict the wonderful art. A River Runs Through It was an absolutely amazing movie i don't usually enjoy most movies that don't have a lot of action but this movie was truly invigorating and kept me interested through out the entire movie. Brad Pitt's role in this movie definitely help out the production and livened things up.